
Certain Facts About COVID Testing That You Should Know

  COVID is a pandemic condition. It spreads at a much faster rate than expected. The infection is airborne. It also spreads via other means including contact. So taking basic precaution is important. In many cases, the patient may act as an asymptomatic carrier.    This is difficult because asymptomatic patients can spread the infection, even without being noticed by others. COVID testing plays a major role here.   Testing is the one effective way to determine if you are infected or not It helps you stay on alert mode at all times Testing will help prevent transmission of the infection   The testing should only be done by well-trained health experts. So if you are in doubt, then you can search for  COVID-19 Testing in Katy  options online and get tested.   Ø   How do the tests work?   In general, the test will help in detecting the presence of the infection viral in your body. The tests are performed by taking samples from the respiratory tract